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Pentingnya Memasang Lift di Rumah

Bagi Sebagian masyarakat yang tinggal di rumah bertingkat biasanya akan mempertimbangkan untuk memasang lift. Hal ini dikarenakan menaiki dan menuruni tangga cukup melelahkan terutama saat Anda harus membawa banyak barang. Belum lagi jika

Cara Memilih Warna Lift Yang Tepat Bagi Rumah Anda

Interior rumah Anda mewakili siapa Anda, dan warna juga berperan besar di dalamnya. Warna memungkinkan kita membuat ruangan memiliki perasaan, atau menciptakan lingkungan yang nyaman dan bersemangat. Jadi, saat memilih warna untuk lift

The Solution of Today’s Elderly Mobility

‘Aging’ is a condition that will be experienced by everyone. Those who experience this will slowly become more and more limited in carrying out daily activities and in meeting their needs independently. For

from Scandinavia with L(OVE)ifts

A lot of times, people install lifts out of necessity, either because of lack of mobility or for public buildings because regulations require it. Our goal as an elevator provider is to change

Safety for the Whole Family

Aritco Homelift is designed with safety in mind for children. Some of the most common questions people ask when they want to install an elevator at home are security questions. They want to

6 Things to Consider About Elevator Prices

Like other custom-made products, a home lift from the same brand can have different or even different prices. This is influenced by various factors such as: elevator size, number of floors, elevator materials,
