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Home Lift vs Conventional Lift

You must be familiar with the elevator model that is often found in shopping centers, hospitals, and other public places. The question is, is an elevator with such a model suitable to be installed in your home? Can the lift make your daily activities easier or will you be bothered with maintenance costs later? Therefore, before deciding which elevator you want to buy, first know the difference between the two for consideration

Each lift has an added value as shown in the table above. You can see that the disadvantages of the homelift are a slower speed (0.15 m/s) and a floor height that reaches a maximum of six floors. Of course, the speed and maximum floor coverage are not a problem for using the lift in the house.

By knowing the different functions of the two, you certainly don’t hesitate to choose Aritco Homelift as the mainstay of the lift at home, right?

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